

We sell flowers! Dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin mattis lobortis sapien non pharetra. Nunc in leo placerat, suscipit orci et, pulvinar nisi. Pellentesque vel interdum mi. Vestibulum interdum erat sed nulla facilisis feugiat. Curabitur tincidunt, augue at pharetra vestibulum, libero ante rhoncus lectus, ut pulvinar justo est vitae justo. Morbi placerat, neque non ultrices cursus, augue justo dapibus purus, et malesuada metus est eu dui.



Unicorn Rabbit CEO of RabbitNation

No company is better than Efflorescence.


Flower Rabbit Founder of Flowerland

Best roses in town!


Grass Rabbit Art Director of GrassCo

Their flowers literally never die. Great for store decorations!

Upcoming Events

Franken-flower Workshop

Come join us to merge your favourite flowers together! What do you think a hybrid lotus-lemon flower looks like?

Day: February 30th, 2029

Time: 2PM - 5PM

Location: Efflorescence

Admission is free. Dogs and cats are welcome to come!